2024-25 Chairpersons
Ongoing Activities
Book Bug - Carly Robinson
Casholas/Dineouts - Steph McMullen
Goodwill/Sunshine - Heather Johnson / Michelle Stoczko / Katie Mamrol
Homeroom Parents - Geni McCann
Scholarship - Geni McCann
Sixth Grade Farewell - Carly Robinson
Social Media Updates - Carly Robinson
SpiritWear Sale - Ali Kropp
Yearbook - Laura Romano
Square1 Fundraiser - Geni McCann
Welcome Back Event - BPSHA Board
Fall Picture Day - Carly Robinson
Bowling Party / Skate Night / SkyZone - Lauren Jenner
Spooktacular - Carly Robinson / Lauren Semrau
Donuts with Grownups - Heather Johnson / Cecily Knauer
Holiday Shop - Abby Sharma / Shital Patel
MLK Day of Service Project - BPHSA Board
Frosty Fest - Jen Gerardi
Multicultural Event - Betsy Winter Hall / Karen Scioli
Scholastic Book Fair - Geni McCann / Kristen Mark
Ice Cream Social - Jen Gerardi / Heather Johnson
Spring Picture Day -
Mystery Reader - Carly Robinson
Fun Run - Michelle Stoczko / Abby Fries
Teacher Appreciation Week - Jen Gerardi / Lauren Deutz / Becky Kristopeit
Olympic Day - Chrissy Malley
School Dance -
Chairperson Forms:
Chairperson Overview and Responsibilities
Facility Use
Event Communications Checklist
Cash Box Request
Money Counting Worksheet
Money Deposit Form
Expense Reimbursement